
Sunday 13 November 2016

How to change background color of main boy

Background color for body of webpage.

If you want to change your webpage background color
By extending <BODY> tag
As below

Background color of page body
<body  bgcolor= “green”>
Page with green color

You can take color code also that’s you will get from Photoshop colors

Or just right

On google and search it’s will produce all html codes for you
Then you can picked color code and paste on bgcolor.

After changed background color.

Thursday 10 November 2016

How to create WebPage Body

Now our web page needs a body where we will puts all our contents . 
So for body we will use these tags.
<body> Contents </body>

Now Write this code on notepad  or
You can also watch video about web page body which are above this post as a name
Of web page body.
Body will come right after header end tag.
<title> Web Page Body</title>
<body> Our contents goes here………</body>

Like this on notepad

Then save it as a name of “page_body.html” in your  folder
Or on desktop.

It will show result on browser like this.

Sunday 6 November 2016

How to create website title in html urdu/hindi/english

How To Create Web Page TITLE


        One of the most important part of the header is title.
       Title contains small text which will appear in the title bar of the browser.
       Below are the title html codes.

<title> well come to my website </title>

Title codes must be write between the header cod just like shown above.

It will sow like this in your browser.

It's will look like this in Browser.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Page Header

 Every web site must have header. Header contain important information about website.
It's mean header define actually about what your website.
Header area in website will defined in HTML by <head> and </head> tags.
<head> it's opening tag and </head> it's closing tag.
We will define HEADER information between <head> and </head> tags.

Example :-

Then save it like go to file click on "save as" then right file name whatever you want.
for example "page_header.html".
After saved your file in specific folder go to inside the folder and click on file that you have save as file name "page_header.html".
But it will take you on google chrome but will not show anything because there should be defined something more under tag.
That tags i will define in another post.
But if you like this post then please give a comment and like our posts.
So that we can know that we are really helping someone

Monday 31 October 2016

Start Here first webpage.

Now open your notepad or html text editor and write like this.

Now save as "fristwebpage.html" on your desk top or any folder.
you can give any name for this file as you want but at the last ".HTML" must should be write otherwise it will give error.
After save it on your desk top now right click on file and open with google chrome.
your first webpage will show in google chrome.
<html>and </html> are called tags. <html> is start tag and </html> is an ending tag.
Tags are something in command in programming language. 
<HTML> tag tells the browser that this is
start of the HTML and </HTML> marks its end

1-3 Tools you will need

You will need a html text editor or you can use notepad from your window
And a browser to see your result such as google chrome or firefox etc.
Or you can download other text editor which are developed for only web developing and edit html language or other computer languages by clicking below link you will get that site where you can download these text editor. It’s depend on you which one you wanna use notepad or notepad ++ or sublime text editor.
also Dreamweaver which is best designing tool for beginner.

Sublime text editor :-

Saturday 29 October 2016

(1.2) Reasons for choosing second option

If you want to design professional web pages using these tools will not be enough.
You must be familiar with html codes.
Results of these editors are big and sometimes chaotic code.
Maintaining this code is very difficult.
If you want to design dynamic web pages in future you will need to know html codes.
If you will need forms in your pages to send information to server and return result pages back to browser you will need to know html codes.
There are other reasons that dictate us to learn html coding and not satisfy with these tools.

Friday 28 October 2016



                                       So you have decided to learn to design your won website. Then let's start quickly.
Web pages are ordinary files with .htm or .html file extensions. They contain a code named "hyper text mark-up language" or html. This codes when viewed in a browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape will be seen as beautiful web pages however code under web page may be complicated. To design an html web page you have two options: a. You can use a web page editor like Microsoft FrontPage to create web pages. It works exactly like Microsoft word (a complicated editor program used for creating and editing book, letter etc pages.) You just type text, insert graphics and finally save your document as an html web page. By the way word 2000 itself can save your existing documents as html pages. So you see designing a web page can be very easy. But soon you will see that this is not a good option for creating a professional web page. b. Second option is to learn html codes and write html pages in a simple text editor. As we said your codes will be seen as Web Pages when viewed in a web browser. 

If you have any questions related to above topic then you can write in comment we will try to provide best answer and also please give your opinions to get more improvement.


Thursday 27 October 2016

How to change image background in adobe photo shop cs 6 part 1 in hindi/English...

How to change image background in adobe photo shop cs 6 part 2 in hindi/English

Photoshop Tools

Photoshop Tools
Its is very important to have complete knowledge about Photoshop tools to work in Photoshop. In Photoshop, Tools box are found on the left side in working area which are explain in the following..

Marquee Tool

 The images in Photoshop are stored pixel by pixel, with a code indicating the color of each. The image is just a big mosaic of dots. Therefore, before you can do anything in Photoshop, you first need to indicate which pixels you want to change. The selection tool is one way of doing this. Click on this tool to select it, then click and drag on your image to make a dotted selection box. Hold shift while you drag if you want a perfect square or circle.

Crop Tool :
                   To crop your image, draw a box with the crop tool. Adjust the selection with the selection points, and then hit return to crop. 
 Lasso Tool :

                 The lasso tool lets you select freeform shapes, rather than just rectangles and ovals.

 Magic Wand :
                  Yet another way to select pixels is with the magic wand. When you click on an area of the image with this tool, all pixels that are the same color as the pixel you clicked will be selected. Double click on the tool to set the level of tolerance you would like (i.e. how similar in color the pixels must be to your original pixel color. A higher tolerance means a broader color range).

Move Tool :
                  This is a very important tool, because up until now all you have been able to do is select pixels, and not actually move them. The move tool not only allows you to move areas you have selected, but also to move entire layers without first making a selection. If you hold the option (or alt) key while clicking and dragging with the move tool, you can copy the selection.

Airbrush : 

Paint Brush :
Pencil Tool :
                 These are can be used to draw with the foreground color on whichever layer is selected. To change the foreground color, double-click on it in the toolbox. You will then see a palette of colors from which to choose. Select one and click OK. To change the brush size, go to Window then Show Brushes.

Eraser Tool :
                          Erases anything on the selected layer. You can change the eraser size by going to Window then Show Brushes.

Line Tool :
                Can be used to draw straight lines. Click on the tool to select it, then click with the tool on the canvas area and drag to draw a line. When you release the mouse button, the line will end. You can change the thickness of the line or add arrowheads to it by double clicking on the tool to see this dialog box:

Text Tool :
               Click on this tool to select it, then click in the Canvas area. You will be given a dialog box in which to type your text, and choose its attributes. Each new block of text goes on its own layer, so you can move it around with the Move Tool. Once you have placed the text, however, it is no longer editable. To correct mistakes, you must delete the old version and replace it.

Eyedropper Tool :
             Click with this tool on any color in the canvas to make that color the foreground color.

Magnifier :
             Click with this tool on a part of your image you want to see closer, or drag with it to define the area you want to expand to the size of the window. Hold down the Option or Alt key to make it a "reducer" instead and zoom back out.

Grabber Tool :
             Click with this and drag to move the entire page for better viewing.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Web Designing Course

Web Designing

we will provide web designing course through video and written therefore you will learn it very fast and easy.

About Us

About Us
                   Our aim is to provide knowledge about web designing to all those peoples who have interest in it. Now a days website development is also a very fast growing organization due to provide information to their world clients. All those peoples are needed to use website to spread their business to world wide because website is only one source to provide information anywhere in the world. Peoples are using advertisement about their business and services to get knowledge of the other peoples who has no knowledge about that. Website is a good source to advertisement our product and services to reach all kind of peoples of the world. It will work seven days or twenty four hours  to providing information to all peoples.

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop

Introduction To Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a software which are used to image editing, graphic designing.Photoshop creates an artist's virtual studio/darkroom.when you open this software you will see the tool box on your left corner and working area on right side by using these tools we can create a great graphic and can conert a simple image to very complex and beautiful image.


                    Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites .

What is web designing?
                                        web designing is the appearance of an organization website which are created or developed by using different software. We will learn web designing by using Adobe photo shop.

What is web page?
                                     Webpage are contains information about any organization which providing services or any kind of business. Those organization used to provide information to their clients about their services and business by using website. Customer will get information anywhere in the world.