
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Page Header

 Every web site must have header. Header contain important information about website.
It's mean header define actually about what your website.
Header area in website will defined in HTML by <head> and </head> tags.
<head> it's opening tag and </head> it's closing tag.
We will define HEADER information between <head> and </head> tags.

Example :-

Then save it like go to file click on "save as" then right file name whatever you want.
for example "page_header.html".
After saved your file in specific folder go to inside the folder and click on file that you have save as file name "page_header.html".
But it will take you on google chrome but will not show anything because there should be defined something more under tag.
That tags i will define in another post.
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Monday 31 October 2016

Start Here first webpage.

Now open your notepad or html text editor and write like this.

Now save as "fristwebpage.html" on your desk top or any folder.
you can give any name for this file as you want but at the last ".HTML" must should be write otherwise it will give error.
After save it on your desk top now right click on file and open with google chrome.
your first webpage will show in google chrome.
<html>and </html> are called tags. <html> is start tag and </html> is an ending tag.
Tags are something in command in programming language. 
<HTML> tag tells the browser that this is
start of the HTML and </HTML> marks its end

1-3 Tools you will need

You will need a html text editor or you can use notepad from your window
And a browser to see your result such as google chrome or firefox etc.
Or you can download other text editor which are developed for only web developing and edit html language or other computer languages by clicking below link you will get that site where you can download these text editor. It’s depend on you which one you wanna use notepad or notepad ++ or sublime text editor.
also Dreamweaver which is best designing tool for beginner.

Sublime text editor :-